How Fibre Optic Cables Work

 How Does Fibre Optic Work?

The digital age relies heavily on data transfer for reliable telecommunications, streaming and IT services. This data transfer, of course, needs to be supplied from point A to point B to achieve results. And the ultimate way to deliver this reliably and at high speeds is through fibre optic cabling London.

However, the cable market is vast. Accordingly, it’s difficult for everyone to get a handle on all the various cable types which are available. But if you invest the time in understanding each one, then you will soon be rewarded with broad knowledge. And, to help you on your journey, we’re going to start with the best and take a look at how fibre optic cabling works.

What is Fibre Optic Cable?

On the face of it, a fibre optic cable may look like a standard electrical cable, but it’s significantly different. Whereas an electrical cable contains a metal core which conducts electrical signals along its path, a fibre optic cable instead contains optical fibres. These flexible and transparent fibres – made either from glass of plastic – are used to transfer data not by electricity, but via the medium of light from point A to B.

How Does Fibre Optic Cable Work?

Due to the design of the optical fibres within the cable – which are roughly 1/10 the size of a human hair – a fibre optic cable can contain dozens to hundreds of individual fibres. And this means a lot of data can be transmitted at the same time. Light particles, known as photons, are transmitted down the fibre optic cable to transmit data. These photons make their way down the cable by bouncing off the cable wall repeatedly. This transport is made possible due to the presence of a glass cladding which is wrapped around the central fibre. It’s this design which prevents light from leaking out of the cable and ruining the data transfer process.

What is Fibre Optic Cable Capable Of?

Clearly, fibre optic cable sounds exciting, but you can only comprehend how fantastic it is once you take its specs into account. Capable of transferring data over distances of 100km, fibre optic marks itself out as the premium option when it comes to distance. This is in stark contrast to a traditional twisted copper Cat 6 cable, which has a top range of 100m.

And, when it comes to speed, fibre optic cables excel once again. Some business networks have been able to achieve speeds of 100Gbps, but a more realistic speed to expect on current networks is around 10Gbps. This is still a remarkable level of speed, with data cabling London Cat 6 cables maxing out around the 1Gbps mark over a distance of 100m.

Fibre Optic Technology

If you are looking for high-speed connectivity with minimal dropouts and world-class reliability then fibre optic cables are the way, forwards. Driven by the momentum of technology, fibre optic cables will transform your online experience. From fluid streaming to crystal clear communications and seamless file transfers, fibre optic is the future.

Original Source: How Fibre Optic Cables Work


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